Dance Recital Videos and Order Center 2024
4242 Campus Drive
Irvine, California
June 11 - 14, 2024, 6:00 p.m.
One Show Each Night
Irvine, California
"Dance The Night Away"
Scroll down to view all four shows on your phone, computer, and tablet. Download each show to your electronic device. View and download still photos from the shows as well in the photo galleries.
You can also order a USB Flash Drive media set to get all four shows, photos from video, and the digital program in one place, and in a protective customized case.
Shipping Update: Media sets are available and shipping!
As a recital attendee, you have complete viewing and downloading access to the video recordings of ALL FOUR Shows, and file downloads.
Each routine is marked as a "Chapter". To skip to your particular routine, click on the icon on the bottom right of the video player, and scroll to your choice. To view the chapters on your phone, expand the video screen horizontally.

Secure Your Memories With "Offline" Options.
Although viewing the recital videos online is convenient, no one can guarantee it will always be available online, especially years from now. Even if you download the files, you can easily forget where you downloaded and saved them! By purchasing your own media set of the recital, you'll have "offline" options under your control, in a nice protective case, as well as owning a keepsake to enjoy for years to come. Choose your media set from the options below. Check back here for media shipping status.
Order your 2024 Pacific Dance Recital Videos Here.

California Sales tax of 7.75% are added to each order
OPTION 1: USB Flash Drive Media - $35.00
All your digital files stored where you can find them.
This option includes:
A Flash drive with the video file of all four complete shows. These are video files that can be copied onto your computer or hard drive, or played on your television from the flash drive. Also included on the drive will be a digital copy of the recital program, still photos captured from the video.
Media case to safely store your flash drive.
U.S.P.S. First Class shipping to your provided U.S. address.

OPTION 2: DVD and Blu-ray disc Media Set - $75.00
Still an easy and popular way to store, archive, and view your video content.
Each set includes:
All four shows - eight discs total.
A DVD and Blu-ray disc each show.
DVD standard-definition video discs play on DVD and Blu-ray players.
BLU-RAY high-definition video discs play on Blu-ray players only.
Each disc has a menu and chapter points, so each routine is just a click away in the menu.
A Custom video case to keep all your media together in one place, and makes a great keepsake.
U.S.P.S. Ground Advantage shipping to your U.S. address.

Photos from Video
STILLS FROM VIDEO - June 11, 2024, Tuesday - SHOW ONE
STILLS FROM VIDEO - June 12, 2024, Wednesday - SHOW TWO
STILLS FROM VIDEO - June 13, 2024, Thursday - SHOW THREE
STILLS FROM VIDEO - June 14, 2024, Friday - SHOW FOUR
Contact me with any questions. Call or text: 949-795-1610
Thanks again! - David Bauers